Public Involvement, Engagement and Participation in Research Summary Strategy

The engagement and outreach that we do with patients and the public is guided by a five year strategy with 10 aims (summarised below). You can read more about the different parts of the strategy and the team involved below.

Public Involvement, Engagement and Participation in Research Strategy

2022 – 2027 Summary

Our Vision

The À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ (BRC)’s vision is to achieve inclusive and accountable public involvement and engagement that is embedded across the BRC, leading to improvements in health and wellbeing most relevant to the needs of our Northwest London population.

PIEP table meeting

Our Aims

Our 10 aims for the next five years are

  1. To embed public involvement within BRC Theme management and governance so the public voice representation is considered at all governance levels
  2. To involve the public in BRC projects and activities and plan this from the outset. 
  3. To engage and involve communities in our population which are underrepresented and under-served in research by building reciprocal relations with communities. 
  4. To promote equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in public involvement, engagement, and participation in research and collect and measure this
  5. To build capacity and confidence in BRC researchers to enable them to involve the public in research through training, support and resources. 
  6. To build capacity and confidence in the public to enable them to be involved and take part in our research through training, support, resources and mentoring.
  7. To collaborate with key stakeholders locally and nationally undertaking PPIEP in health research
  8. To ensure public involvement activities are systematically evaluated and opportunities for reciprocal feedback are provided
  9. To embed across BRC Themes and projects
  10. To collect and share the impact of public involvement to understand what difference it makes.

Community partner introduction session

Implementation of this Strategy

Implementation and delivery of this PPIEP Strategy is the responsibility of the BRC Theme leads on behalf of the BRC Director with support from the Imperial Patient Experience Centre.

Monitoring our progress

This activity and its impact will be monitored by a steering group of members of the public (Community Partners). Community Partners will also attend Theme management and overall BRC Governance meetings to ensure we are held to account by the public

Child exploring interactive inflatable colon model at Ealing community event.


The Imperial Patient Experience Research Centre  will provide support to the BRC Themes in the form of guidance, resources and training and links to public networks.

Societal Engagement Awards ceremony with winners Mosaic Community Trust.

Partnerships and collaborators

We continue to work in partnership with our partners and collaborators detailed in the full BRC PPIEP Strategy.

Mosaic Community Trust event

The full Imperial BRC PPIEP Strategy and an Action Plan detailing how we will achieve these aims are accessible below: